Y Splash

Y Splash

A showcase event by young musicians from Trinity and Knowle West MediaCentre
  • What's it about? activities past-projects youth-music whats-on
  • When is it? 21 Mar, 2013 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
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Young musicians from Knowle West Media Centre and Trinity's Youth Music Makers project have joined forces to bring to you a night of dazzling musical talent. Playing alongside some of their local heroes this is the first time some of these young people will be showcasing their talent to live audiences.

To get an idea of what's in store check out Trinity's Youth Music Makers' Sound Cloud: www.soundcloud.com/3camusic and Facebook:

or Tweet us at:

Live acts on the night:

Gypsy Unit (Dj set)
Miss Mally & Miss Twist
Beau Ties
4 Nine
Shae & Liana (Hype Dance Group)

as well as an Open Mic opportunity for anyone to get on stage and join in!

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