Vice & Virtue 2013-15
Vice and Virtue was a heritage project for Old Market High Street documenting the real history of Old Market Bristol
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What we do
Past projects
The Ithaca Axis
Created by Nick Young and Edson Burton as part of the Bridges Project
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What we do
Past projects
Art Therapy story
The Trinity Community Initiative (TCI) supported AWP Bristol Early Intervention in Psychosis Team with subsidised space hire at Arts West Side between February ...
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What we do
Arts West Side 2011-18
Dave's story
Dave's been volunteering with Trinity for 8 years
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What we do
Communities & Neighbourhoods
Community news
In Focus: Putting Down Roots
St Mungo's project that uses gardening as a tool to help people in their recovery
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What we do
Communities & Neighbourhoods
Community news
Gordon's story
We hear from Gordon Harrison, age 69, about his experiences as a member of the Trinity Walking Group
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What we do
Children & Families
Project stories
Luna's story
We hear from Luna, a full-time single mum who joined us at the community gardening drop-in day (last Sunday of the month)
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What we do
Children & Families
Project stories
In Focus: Gh0$t
How taking part in Making Tracks has helped Gh0$t take his next steps
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What we do
Making Tracks 2018-2022
Joan's Story
Joan has been taking part in music making project Making Tracks
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What we do
Making Tracks 2018-2022
Max's Story
Max takes part in weekly drum sessions at Trinity, this is his story
Located in
What we do
Making Tracks 2018-2022