In Focus: Gh0$t

How taking part in Making Tracks has helped Gh0$t take his next steps

Gh0$t took part in a vocal looping workshop with performer and musician Keisha Thompson. Photo KoLAB Studios / Khali Ackford

Making Tracks is a life-changing music making project, delivered by Trinity and partners ACE and Basement Studios. The project supports young people to take their next steps in education or work through accessing music provision.

Gh0$t, aka Jack, joined Making Tracks when he was 23 - finding out about the programme through a suggestion by Access Creative College. The college have worked with Trinity for a number of years, often referring students who may benefit from an alternative education setting.

“Jack’s journey has had its challenges, but his passion for music and the support Trinity provided throughout this time has helped to keep him focussed and motivated. Jack has showed a consistent level of dedication and has seen the confidence in his own abilities and talent develop exponentially.” Dave Thomas, Youth Activities Manager

All young people who take part in Making Tracks have individual learning plan. This is created through conversations with students, highlighting what they may want to achieve and input from tutors, identifying key areas of development.

Jack showed an interest in developing his skills in writing original lyrics, rap and learning more about recording his own songs. He developed his music skills in regular 1-2-1 sessions and attended workshops and opportunities offered throughout the programme. This included workshops with touring artists Keisha Thompson, Making Tracks Summer Music Sessions, Q&A sessions with industry professionals and music events. Gh0$t also was active in promoting his own music made during his sessions on social media.

The final part of Jacks development was the opportunity to work as a youth mentor on an Anti-Knife Crime project. Organised by Avon and Somerset Police and delivered in partnership with local schools, Jack supported students to create a soundtrack for an animation. Jack was completely dedicated to the process taking part not only as lyric writer and performing artist but also as a consultant, offering musical advice to the students in the project.

“My main motivation … stems from my past. It actually drove me to write and work on this project because I felt I could relate to what these young people go through on a daily basis, but I also wanted to portray the message that you can still make a difference and become something that no one believed you could be.” Gh0$t

Since completing the programme, Jack is working on building his youth work CV and accessing further courses and youth work qualifications - proving his commitment to continue his professional journey.

Making Tracks is supported by Youth Music and using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, as well as support from match funders Youth Sector Support Fund.
