Nick Fyfe
- Nick Fyfe
- 2007-12-01T11:30:00+00:00
- 2007-12-02T11:30:00+00:00
- Our upstairs 'Fyfe Hall' is named in memory of Nick Fyfe, one of the founding directors of Trinity Community Arts
- What's it about? community-timeline community activities archive
- When is it? 01 Dec, 2007 11:30 AM to 02 Dec, 2007 11:30 AM (UTC / UTC0)
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Nick Fyfe epitomised the indomitable spirit that led to Trinity's reopening.
Nick Fyfe joined the campaign whilst managing a full time business building skate parks across the South West.
He had for many years combined his successful business career with active involvement in local voluntary sector.
Nick brought a vast reservoir of experience and skill to the 'Save Trinity' campaign.
Former business partner, friend and Trinity colleague Matthew Hewitt describes Nick's key contribution to the campaign:
“Nick was so good at writing documents. In half an hour he could write a two page A4 document of several thousand words and it would all make sense. Nick prepared the meticulous cash flows, business plans, and letters underpinning the campaign that were edited and reworked by the core campaign group. Armed with these documents the eclectic group presented 'a professional image' to the Council. Having secured the lease the team subsequently learnt from an informal Council source that Trinity's bid was by far the most professional and the most well thought out.”
Nick's commitment to Trinity persisted after the lease was secured. Despite 'hard graft' on the skate park he committed his time and energy to supporting the organisation. Combining long demanding hours on site with managing Trinity may have damaged his health. Matt reflects:
“I didn't see that he was passing away because he was getting weaker and weaker. He'd had pneumonia not got over it and..he was just such a stunning character none even thought that he was near checking out..He worked on site, a building site right up to the day he died. I had a phone call from him an hour before he died saying “Matthew I'm gonna drive to Trinity can you take me somewhere when I get there. A day later his son phoned me and said he died about the same time he phoned me. He was just not going to give up...”
Our upstairs 'Fyfe Hall', was named such in memory of Nick Fyfe, one of the founding directors of Trinity Community Arts. A plaque on the downstairs north wall, has also been installed in memory.
Nick Fyfe 1949-2007