Youth music at Trinity

Feedback and testimonies about our training programme for young people from challenging circumstances

We want to make sure every young person has a chance to access music learning. We work with young people from a range of backgrounds, from across Bristol and the South West, to help them achieve their potential.

“I found the Trinity to be brilliant and I had great support from the staff” Mitchell, Music Student

Trinity specialises in engaging those who face barriers to participation. Since 2005, we've worked with some of the most vulnerable and socially excluded young people; from young people who feel they are not ready for full time work or education, to referrals from youth offenders and young people in care and hospital.

“This was the first activity that I was interested in, I had not been out my room until this point! I met some of the other young people and got to know them. I really like Al and Dave, they have helped me settle in.” Teenage Cancer Trust Inpatient

Young people referred to us have become disengaged from mainstream learning due to their complex learning needs, behavioural and health issues. After facing exclusion, young people are left feeling isolated from society, leading to anger management, youth-offending and other destructive behaviours.

“I really enjoy the drumming. It’s the first time I’ve ever done any sort of drumming and find smashing on the kit helps me to release my anger. I feel good when I come to Trinity. It gives me something to look forward to every week.” Under 16 who had been excluded from school

Young people either self-refer or are referred to us by youth organisations, including the local council authority social care teams, mental health trusts, pupil referrals units, foster carers, youth offender teams and other charities. These agencies have fed back to us about the positive changes they have seen in the behaviours and attitudes of the young people who we’ve supported.

“My staff at St Matthias are extremely happy to have found this brilliant and rare session, that has had a hugely beneficial impact upon the social and educational progress of our students. I can't rate the experience highly enough and can only commend the Trinity staff and their incredible understanding and patience in working with SEN students. Long may it continue!” St Matthias Pupil Referral Unit

We provide intensive music courses - music production, lyric writing, composition, guitar and percussion - helping young people to develop skills and abilities, achieve accreditations and re-engage with mainstream learning.

“The song writing session that Dave from Trinity delivered last week has inspired her so much that she has gained the confidence to go to voice coaching lessons at school!” Tact Care Foster Carers

Click here for more information about our courses for young people.

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