Dimitri's Story

Hear how attending a youth music course has helped Dimitri

I am French but was born in Switzerland. I am mixed race. I currently in Staple Hill, Bristol. I was born with schizophrenia. I love music especially writing and recording positive rap lyrics. I am currently unemployed.

I was referred across to Trinity by one of my college tutors at Access to Music. I had managed to get through the first year of the course and achieved a pass but it was clear I would really struggle with the amount of assignments and paperwork involved in the second year so they linked me in with Trinity as an alternative. I can now focus on my music without stressing about paperwork which is a really good for me.

The benefit’s of being on a music course at Trinity  are that I can work on my lyrics, music, beats and prepare my album without any pressure. I can take my time. I’m really struggling with my illness at the moment and have been experimenting with different dosages of medication. Sometimes I come in and am too drowsy to properly concentrate on my work. Dave and Al are always really supportive and assure me that I can use the session in whatever way best suits me at the time. It’s good to know they understand. That makes a lot of difference. I enjoy working on a 1:1 basis this means I can get more positive things done in a short space of time.
