- https://tca.beetledev.co.uk/back-office/events-archive/whats-on/trinity-events-archive/2020/unconference
- Unconference
- 2020-02-08T09:30:00+00:00
- 2020-02-08T16:00:00+00:00
- The unconference is an opportunity for community activists across Bristol to come together to share ideas and network.
- What's it about? conference community whats-on trinity-events-archive 2020
- When is it? 08 Feb, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 04:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
- Where is it? Fyfe Hall & Graffiti Room
How much is it?
- Contact Name
- Web Visit external website
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People Power and Bristol City Council Community Development team will host an unconference for anyone who is taking action on something they care about in their neighbourhood.
"How do we grow thriving neighbourhoods where everyone can take part."
An ‘Unconference’ is a participant-driven gathering where you actively contribute to the agenda, sharing lots of discussions to help support your work in communities. Rather than a single speaker at the front of the room presenting PowerPoint slides, participants will be guided to facilitate conversations that matter to them.
Learn from others, share experiences, get inspired and re-charge yourself! This will be an awesome day, connecting people across Bristol….
To book a place contact sam.parker@bristol.gov.uk