Move Dance Feel Workshop - Postponed
- Move Dance Feel Workshop - Postponed
- 2020-03-19T11:00:00+00:00
- 2020-03-19T13:00:00+00:00
- A taster dance workshop for women affected by cancer
- What's it about? workshops community whats-on trinity-events-archive 2020
- When is it? 19 Mar, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
- Where is it? Trinity Centre
How much is it?
- Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of 18+
- Contact Name
- Contact Phone 01179351200
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Please note due to current Cronovirus outbreak this event has been cancelled. The organisers of the event hope to re-arrange for a future date.
We are working with to ensure all events adhere to the most current government guidelines. You can find out more about this here.
Move Dance Feel brings women together to dance, instead of talk about their cancer experience.
This free 2 hours taster session offers you the opportunity to meet the artists behind the project, connect with other women affected by cancer, and learn about the different ways that dance can support your health and wellbeing. The project has been running in London for 4 years, and in January launched in Bristol in partnership with Penny Brohn UK.
As part of this development we are running a series of sessions in different community spaces to offer local women a fun, social and creative experience - to help you either during or after cancer treatment.
These taster sessions are open to women only, over the age of 18 with any type of cancer and at any stage in your cancer experience – newly diagnosed, undergoing treatment and post treatment. If you have recently had surgery, we recommend being at least three months post-operative before taking part. If you wish to attend but are very ill or need a lot of physical support, we ask that you please bring a female friend or family member to support you one on one. Please wear comfortable clothing that you can move easily in.
This workshop is free but please book online using the ticket link on the left. If you cannot book online please call Trinity on the number listed.
Please note that women supporting someone with cancer are also welcome to attend.
Supported by Dance Futures: Moving Bristol
Image credit: Camilla Greenwell.