Rhythm of the Night

Rhythm of the Night

A nightclub for adults with learning difficulties, their families and friends
  • What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2019
  • When is it? 28 Nov, 2019 from 07:00 PM to 10:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where is it? Main Hall
  • How much is it?
    £7.50 on the door
  • Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of 18+
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 07910 962 329
  • Web Visit external website
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The Misfits Theatre Company would like to invite you to Rhythm of the Night.

So put on your dancing clothing on, be entertained and join us for a fun night at Trinity!

A great and fun way to meet new people and have a chat over a drink or two, along with some great music from our regular DJs to do some dancing and socialising.

Disco starts at 7.00pm

Tickets £7.50 - on the door

Bar open - note that you have to be over 18 to buy alcoholic drinks from our bar. You will be asked for an ID, so please bring one with you

Please note that Trinity has a public pay and display car park that works with an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system. All visitors, including blue badges, need to purchase a ticket on arrival for the duration of their stay. There is a grace period of 10 minutes for people who need to drop off/pick up.

Payments can be made by card, via a smartphone app, online or cash on our existing P&D machines. Trinity receives all revenue from P&D parking which goes back into the charity and help us support groups and events like Misfits.

Trinity does not receive any revenue from Charge Notices and therefore we have no powers of waiving fines for non-payment of parking. More info about Trinity's car park can be found here: https://www.3ca.org.uk/contact/parking

Would you like to make a donation to Trinity Community Arts?