Gather Up

Gather Up

A dance class for experienced dancers offered by GATHER UP.
  • What's it about? class whats-on trinity-events-archive 2019
  • When is it? 03 Jun, 2019 09:45 AM to 08 Jul, 2019 11:30 AM (UTC / UTC0)
  • How much is it?
    Drop-in £5 cash only or £40 for a 10-class card
  • Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of 14+
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The nature of working as an independent dancer and dance-maker often entails, for many artists, being here and there and everywhere, fleeting between projects and places. The hope is that this regular weekly morning class can be a home of sort for professional dancers from Bristol and around - as well as for those just passing by -  providing a place for them to gather, and to take care of and expand their dance practice.

A small cohort of Bristol-based artists will take it in turn to lead morning class, each drawing on their own experiences of dance and of other somatic and body-mind practices. Whether through improvisation or the learning of set material the class is explorative in essence, each mover invited to bring their attention to their own sense of being and moving. It provides a stimulating environment for artists to tend to and to fuel their dancing craft.

The class will hop from venue to venue across Bristol. We will begin in the Spielman Theatre at Tobacco Factory Theatres until Easter and will continue at Trinity Centre all the way to the Summer break. Double check location before travelling!

For more info or to buy a 10-card class visit our website:
This project is supported using public funding by Arts Council England and made possible thanks to additional support from Circomedia, Tobacco Factory Theatres and Trinity Community Arts through their TCI scheme.

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