Whose Culture Celebration

Whose Culture Celebration

Join #WhoseCulture for an evening of networking, music, art and performance to celebrate Young Creatives of Colour.
  • What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2018
  • When is it? 04 Dec, 2018 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where is it? The Trinity Centre
  • How much is it?
    Free! (RSVP via link below)
  • Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of All ages welcome
  • More event information https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/whose-culture-celebration-tickets-51705986999
  • Contact Name
  • Web Visit external website
  • Add event to calendar iCal

YAAAAS. Come celebrate with us!!!

#WhoseCulture is a new Bristol network, training programme and platform for young creatives of colour aged 16-25. Come and join us at our first big meet up featuring news from the project so far, inspirational creatives from the BME Power List, networking opportunities (with peers and industry leaders) as well as art work, performances and music by young creatives of colour. We'll be joined by poet Malaika Kegode, DJ Adibah Iqbal and your host Euella Jackson. With artwork from Nick Ogri.

Hosted in the Trinity's iconic Fyfe Hall, it's an opportunity for you to join the Rising Arts Agency #WhoseCulture team to celebrate what we've been up to in 2018 and to have your say about where we should be going in 2019!

This is a free event but you will need to RSVP via the Eventbrite link. Trinity's bar will be open (accepting card and cash) - please bring suitable ID. This event is especially aimed at PoC aged 16-25, with creative ambitions, who want to influence Bristol art and culture, but all are welcome. See you there!

Find out what we're all about over on our Instagram

#WhoseCulture is an arts activist project which believes Bristol culture should be more representative, accessible and relevant to young people of colour in the city. We believe we should get to define what culture means to us, and that Bristol's cultural institutions should listen. #WhoseCulture is a network, research and lobby group made up of young people of colour in the city who want to affect cultural strategy in the city and provide support for each other.

Rising Arts Agency is Bristol-based not-for-profit organisation which exists to support 16-25 year-olds with creative ambitions.

Got questions? Contact roseanna@rising.org.uk

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