A festival of dance for and by older people
A festival of dance for and by older people
International Dub Gathering Launch Party
featuring Bristol vocal coach Eliza Fyfe’s singing students
A festival of dance for and by older people
BUMP Club presents monthly night of fun on skates
alternative roots-pop supergroup comprising musicians from Jordan, Syria and Palestine
A nightclub for adults with learning difficulties, their families and friends
A nightclub for adults with learning difficulties, their families and friends
Trinity & Teachings In Dub presents
Train Your Social Muscles!
Jungle and DnB.
American record producer & DJ
Bristol's No.1 psytrance night
Church of Love's 2nd Birthday
boundary pushing sound
Workshop classes with leading dance instructors in their fields, from the UK and beyond - they will give you the best possible experience!
A blend of Lindy Hop and Circus skills from a team of 50+ teachers
5 Days Of Falling is a project that uses dance theatre as a means to engage people creatively in mental health initiatives.