47Soul - Bristol Album Launch

47Soul - Bristol Album Launch

alternative roots-pop supergroup comprising musicians from Jordan, Syria and Palestine
  • What's it about? music whats-on trinity-events-archive 2017-archive
  • When is it? 24 Feb, 2018 08:30 PM to 25 Feb, 2018 12:30 AM (UTC / UTC0)
  • How much is it?
    £10 / £12 adv + bf
  • Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of 18 +
  • More event information https://my.3ca.org.uk/47-soul-album-launch/
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 0117 935 1200
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Dila V Productions & Ear Trumpet Music are proud to present:

47SOUL - Balfron Promise Bristol Album Launch

Featuring Special Guests - DIZRAELI & DOWNLOW

47Soul – the alternative roots-pop supergroup comprising musicians from Jordan, Syria and Palestine, will be debuting their brand new album "Balfron Promise" at an exclusive Bristol show in the incredible Trinity Centre Venue.
The quartet have become renowned for inventing their own genre Shamstep (also the name of their debut EP) – which fuses hip-hop and pop lyrics in English and Arabic, and electronic invention with elements of Arab roots music. 
They also have a formidable reputation as a live act built on their powerful, energetic and intoxicatingly otherworldly live shows which have been seen at festivals from Glastonbury to WOMAD to London’s Jazz Café. 
Beyond their musical influence 47Soul have become renowned as a voice on social issues – the band’s very name is an allusion to the occupied Palestinian territories and their lyrics often tell stories of oppression and the efforts of normal people to combat it, not only in the Middle East but around the world.

The show will see the band perform for the first time tracks from their upcoming full-length debut album Balfron Promise which is due for release in February 2018.

Dizraeli & DownLow have long done hiphop PA shows as a sideproject to their band the Small Gods, but the past year saw them step it up to a new level - starting with a show opening for the Foreign Beggars to 3,000 people in Paris and going on to play in Koko, The Clapham Grand and Shepherds' Bush Empire in London as well as tearing up Boom Town and Shambala festivals over the summer, and taking their show on a UK tour.

Tickets: Trinity / Headfirst

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