He Ain't Heavy
- https://tca.beetledev.co.uk/back-office/events-archive/whats-on/trinity-events-archive/2017-archive/he-aint-heavy
- He Ain't Heavy
- 2017-10-25T15:00:00+00:00
- 2017-10-26T16:00:00+00:00
- Circus City 2017
- What's it about? performance whats-on trinity-events-archive 2017-archive
- When is it? 25 Oct, 2017 03:00 PM to 26 Oct, 2017 04:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
How much is it?
£12 / £10
- Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of all ages
- More event information https://www.bristolcircuscity.com/events/he-aint-heavy/
- Contact Name
- Contact Phone 0117 935 1200
- Web Visit external website
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Wed 25 October - Thu 26 October 3:00 PM (Extra performance 8pm on 25th October)
When people ask me about my brother I usually give them the short answer: he has severe learning disabilities, epilepsy and autism. He Ain’t Heavy is the long answer. As Sean cannot go on a national tour due to a love of routine and no concept of theatre, we are going to bring him into the room in other ways.
Performer Grania Pickard returns to Bristol's Trinity Centre to tell the story of growing up with her brother Sean. Using physical theatre, aerial circus, audience interaction and storytelling she brings the world they share to life. Through puppetry the audience see how Sean walks, talks and interacts with the world and how his unique take on life has shaped and influenced Grania.
“You have to see Grania in action: she is a highly skilled circus performer, storyteller and connector, lighting up the entire stage.” LucyLovesCircus
Please note: there will be a relaxed performance at the 3pm performance on the 26th October