Bristol Parent Carers Participation Event 2017

Bristol Parent Carers Participation Event 2017

Design the Help You Need!
  • What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2017-archive
  • When is it? 13 Jun, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 09:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • How much is it?
  • Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of n/a
  • More event information
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Design the Help You Need!

On 13th June, parent / carers and professionals will come together to help design services and improve support for your child (0-25) with special educational needs / disabilities.

We’ll be running two sessions (10:00 – 14:30) or (18:00 – 21:00) with the same content, so you can choose which is best for you.

Topics in each session include:

Making the transfer between educational settings better

Designing support from the Birth-25 Service with and without a social worker

Discovering new initiatives and resources for education, health, and care in Bristol


In the Education workshop we will look at how to improve transfers for children between educational settings. So that you are placed at the correct table, when you book please choose – either the transfer your child is approaching that you have concerns about, or a transfer that you have experienced that we can learn from – out of the following options:

Early year’s transfers

Primary to Secondary transfer

Mainstream to specialist provision transfers (including transfers to additional learning provisions, such as Hospital Education, Pupil Referral Units, etc.)

Secondary to Post-16 transfer

Out of education (beyond education) transfer


During the daytime event there will be free therapies for parent carers – please book your 15 minute session when you arrive. The sorts of therapies on offer will be:

- Massage

- Shiatsu

- Cranio-sacral therapy

- Reflexology


Both sessions include a cold buffet.

ESSENTIAL TO BOOK: Book early to avoid disappointment


Would you like to make a donation to Trinity Community Arts?