Notes for Notes Fundraising Meeting

Notes for Notes Fundraising Meeting

an open meeting to learn more about Trinity's Conservation Project
  • What's it about? community whats-on trinity-events-archive 2016
  • When is it? 17 Aug, 2016 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where is it? Trinity Centre
  • How much is it?
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 01179351200
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The Trinity Centre Conservation Project and the Notes for Notes Fundraising Appeal

Public Meeting - Wednesday 17th August 6pm, Graffiti Room

We would like to invite all the community groups and individuals that regularly use the Trinity Centre, to attend a short meeting to learn more about the Trinity Conservation project and the Notes for Notes Fundraising Appeal that will support the essential conservation works required to building.

The Trinity Centre is a prominent heritage landmark in Bristol's Old Market Quarter, that has a long-standing history of community engagement. This year we are celebrating 40 years of music at the venue which, over the last four decades has become a prominent music venue and community arts hub.

The building was placed on the English Heritage Building At Risk Register in 2011 as urgent repair works where needed to the South aisle roof. Since then, the building has gone trough a series of vital renovation and conservation schemes to protect the historic fabric and improve access to quality space for the community, removing it from the "At Risk" Register in 2014. It is vital that additional conservation and repair works are carried out in 2017 to prevent the Trinity Centre falling back in the "At Risk" Register in the future.

The 2016-17 Trinity Centre Conservation Project includes essential repairs to the lead roof on the North aisle, extensive renovations to the stained glass windows and the Bath stonework on the towers and external walls.

There are many ways that you can help support Trinity's Notes for Notes Appeal, and we will be exploring some of these ideas:

  • you can arrange a small fundraising activity with your community group to help raise money and raise awareness of the Appeal

  • become a Trinity Community Champion by promoting the Appeal

  • donate £5 (or more) - for every £5 donation received we will exchange a virtual musical note. Once we have exchanged 4,000 musical notes we will release the Trinity Anthem! - this will be created by 'Portishead' legend Adrian Utley and long-term collaborator of PJ Harvey, John Parish later this year

  • donations can be made by text ROOF31 £5 to 70070 or on our Just Giving webpage

The meeting will take just over 30 minutes of your time. If you are able to attend, please contact Tony Goring to reserve your place: / 0117 935 1200

Would you like to make a donation to Trinity Community Arts?