He Ain't Heavy
- https://tca.beetledev.co.uk/back-office/events-archive/whats-on/trinity-events-archive/2016/he-aint-heavy
- He Ain't Heavy
- 2016-09-29T15:25:00+00:00
- 2016-09-29T15:25:00+00:00
- by Grania Pickard and Oddly Moving Circus Theatre previews
- What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2016
- When is it? 29 Sep, 2016 from 03:25 PM to 03:25 PM (UTC / UTC0)
How much is it?
£6 (booking required)
- Contact Name Lina B Frank
- Web Visit external website
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He Ain't Heavy by Grania Pickard and Oddly Moving Circus Theatre previews
When people ask me about my brother I usually give them the short answer: He's disabled.
He Ain't Heavy is the long answer. Together we are going to bring my brother in to the room. There might be Star Trek, gold leotards and sweat bands. I'm willing to do whatever it takes including aerobics. There'll definitely be pockets of light, a giant swing, original music and two performers waiting to warmly welcome you.
Oddly Moving Circus Theatre tells the extraordinary stories of those living on the outskirts of normal.
"... incredibly poignant and intimate portrayal of sibling love through puppetry and aerial swing"
- Lucy Loves Circus on He Ain't Heavy R&D performance.
Two performance on Thursday 29th 2.30pm & 5.30pm.
Please RSVP to Lina@ausform.co.uk if you wish to attend
This performance was made with funds and support from Arts Council England, Bristol Autism Support, Ausform, Circus City, Circomedia, Hull Truck Theatre, The Point Eastleigh, The Elegant Trust and Trinity Centre, Invisible Circus and Artspacelifespace.