Celebrate with Dance!

Celebrate with Dance!

Dancing and socialising for over 50's
  • What's it about? community whats-on trinity-events-archive 2016
  • When is it? 30 Sep, 2016 from 01:00 PM to 03:30 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • How much is it?
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 01179351200
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Come dance with us, as part of Celebrating Age Festival, on Friday 30 Sep, from 1pm to 3.30pm.

The Festival is aimed at engaging older people in a wide range of activities taking place across the City. It runs from Sunday 18th September until Sunday 9th October. The whole event offers something for everyone and is a fantastic opportunity to try your hand at a new craft, make new friends and share experiences.

The Trinity Centre will be hosting a relaxed afternoon of grown up dancing and socialising for over 50's, with live music from The Smokey River Band.

Everyone is welcome, no partner is needed & the dance floor is open to absolute beginners and music lovers that just want to enjoy the afternoon in good company.

Tickets £4 (inc hot drink and cake) - available on the door

For more information contact the Trinity Office: 0117 935 1200

This event is host in partnership with Link Age and Trinity's Gentle Dance class (Monday afternoons).

Please note that a Pay & Display parking facility is available on site and disable parking spaces are clearly marked at the side of the building.

Would you like to make a donation to Trinity Community Arts?