abher behn - The City (Transition):

abher behn - The City (Transition):

Performed as part of Emergenc(i)es
  • What's it about? performance exhibition whats-on trinity-events-archive 2016
  • When is it? 16 Jun, 2016 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
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    FREE - no need to book
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abher behn - The City (Transition): Film/Sound Improvisation & Performance, followed by discussion with artist

‘Life can express itself and realise its freedom only through forms yet forms must necessarily suffocate life and obstruct freedom’ Georg Simmel

Forms/Movement: sky maps, road signs, street zodiacs, framed cartographies, spatial signifiers- travel routes ruled and governed by collusive eras and monetary systems that collapse and repress; each is as ineffectual as the last. We recreate the monolithic and archaic, streets of repetitive movement, plan upon plan, layer upon layer of ash and bone ad infinitum, built upon the foundations of another immovable transitory flight of being, a swirling mass of margins where there is no guidance and we bear witness to transparent city walls that breathe, contract, grip and expel.

The City (Transition) is a solo performance that uses sound and video improvisation, performance, composition and collage.

Bio: abher behn‘s creative output spans over two decades of music and sound composition, writing and visual work alongside art/feminist activism and DIY/community organising. Her belief in the necessity of a politicised feminist community and autonomous space for self identified women, queers and people of colour alongside the creation and sustenance of a non-corporate DIY cultural ethic without compromise, has remained the backbone of her life and work.

Part of  Emergenc(i)es  Exhibition, 6th - 17th June: Control and Calculation : Inheriting Liberation : Improvised Publics

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