Throwing Muses

Throwing Muses

DHP Presents : 'Throwing Muses with special guest Tanya Donelly'
  • What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2014
  • When is it? 23 Sep, 2014 from 07:00 PM to 11:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
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Purgatory/Paradise," Throwing Muses' first release in a decade, is both a book and an album. It is uniquely Throwing Muses and yet like nothing they've done before. A lush collection of new songs, essays, artwork and lyrics, it weaves images and music together to create a full-on sensory impression of the Muses' distinctive world. Live, it is an amalgam of musical moments, interspersed with material from years past."

Ticket Price: £20.00

Bristol Ticket Shop /0117 929 9008

Alt-Tickets / 0845 413 4444

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