Future NOW
- https://tca.beetledev.co.uk/back-office/events-archive/whats-on/trinity-events-archive/2014/future-now
- Future NOW
- 2014-11-08T10:00:00+00:00
- 2014-11-08T17:00:00+00:00
- Conscious Frontiers presents The pioneering Spiritual Ecology conference
- What's it about? conference whats-on trinity-events-archive 2014
- When is it? 08 Nov, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
How much is it?
£55 / £40 / £30
- More event information https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/future-now-the-pioneering-spiritual-ecology-conference-tickets-12304287455
- Contact Name Joe Hoare
- Contact Phone 07795 204 833
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Join the New Consciousness Revolution!
Conscious Frontiers presents Future NOW, a one-day conference and charity fundraiser organised by Will Gethin and Joe Hoare at the Trinity Centre, Bristol, on Saturday 8th November. This event explores urgent solutions and mindful steps we need to take to sustain the Earth so we can secure bright, happy and sustainable lives for our children and grandchildren.
Featuring groundbreaking presentations, powerful performances and interactive breakout sessions with leading eco and spiritual pioneers Satish Kumar, Peter Owen Jones, Tim Freke, Chloe Goodchild and Joe Hoare – interspersed with sacred sounds and chants - Future NOW calls for an Inner Revolution.
It’s a call to become more mindful, more peaceful, more connected and more loving to ourselves, to each other and to the Earth.It urges us to change our “Descartes” inherited philosophical perspective of ourselves as separate from each other and the Earth and embrace our interconnectedness.It calls for us to grow beyond the selfish drives of our materialistic society and create a new way – moving from self interest to mutual interest, reciprocity and interdependence.
Throughout the day, conference participants are invited to explore how we can each make a difference and take urgent action to be the change in our daily lives. The breakout discussion sessions continuously echo and reflect on the question, “What am I going to do differently?”
Future NOW is an invitation to have a voice, to help shape our collective future and to take an active role in propagating the New Consciousness Revolution.
10 very earlybird tickets are now available starting at £30, till 21st August, rising to £55.
Featuring: “Earth Pilgrim” Satish Kumar / “Extreme Pilgrim” Peter Owen Jones / “Big Love Philosopher” Tim Freke / “Sacred Voice Pioneer” Chloe Goodchild / “Laughing Yogi” Joe Hoare