Charity Zumba-Bokwa Marathon

Charity Zumba-Bokwa Marathon

raising funds for British Heart Foundation

Have fun and shed some pounds for charity by taking part in our latin inspired Zumba-Bokwa party. Do something incredible by joining this 4 hour marathon & support our endeavour to raise funds for British Hearth Foundation.

Zumba is an exhilarating, calorie-burning fitness class, suitable for all abilities, while Bokwa is the newest dance craze, new and completely different approach to group exercise that is rapidly spreading across the globe. Do not miss out these energizing and addictive cardio workouts.

Session times:

11:00 Doors open
11:20-12:15 Bokwa & Zumba with Pilo
12:30-13:15 70/80’s party beats with Roni Bruno
13:30-14:15 Latin vibe with Karolina
14:30-15:15 Shake, pump and dance with Candice

Session prices:
£ 7 for 1 session
£10 for 2 sessions
£15 for all sessions

To book your place in advance, contact: or you can just turn up and register on the day.

All funds raised from the Zumba-Bokwa Marathon will go towards Eva Korponai and Anna Babarczi’s fundraising for the British Heart Foundation’s 100km London to Brighton Trek, which we are taking on in June 2013.

Coronary heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer and so many people still need help. From babies born with life-threatening heart problems to the many mums, dads and grandparents who survive a heart attack and endure the daily battles of heart failure. Join us in the fight for every heartbeat. Every pound raised will help make a difference to people’s lives.

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