Brunel & Mary - a love story

Brunel & Mary - a love story

Go West Productions launch & screening of their first short-film
  • What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2013
  • When is it? 04 Oct, 2013 from 05:00 PM to 09:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 0753 331 4567
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Go West Productions, an independent producer of short films in Bristol, will mark their launch with the screening of their first productionBrunel & Mary – a love story “.

A romantic and fictitious story based on the life of the Engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, followed by the presentation of the team (producers Claire Byrne and Ricardo Noel Frutuoso)  and screening of future projects to be released later in the year.

Doors & Bar open 5 pm, followed by the screening at 7 pm

Free entry but we would be extremely grateful if you could R.S.V.P by no later than Sunday 29 September to: or 0753 331 4567.

Please advise us of any special mobility requirements you may have.

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