Christmas Social Dance

Christmas Social Dance

for the young people at heart (over 50's)
  • What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2011
  • When is it? 20 Dec, 2011 from 02:00 PM to 04:30 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 3041725
  • Add event to calendar iCal
Come and join us for a social afternoon of tea, cakes, drinks and festive dance!
Live band, bar, mulled wine, mince pies, home-made cakes, tea in china cups, grand décor and raffle*

*Wear a Christmas decoration to get a free raffle ticket!
Dance to rock n roll, old time, salsa, modern dances & party dances. If you forgot your dancing steps, guidance will be at hand or just come and have a drink with us!

Entry £3
Transport from East or South Bristol £2 return journey, call to book:
Jacqui 304 1725 (East) or Louisa 305 2365 (South)

Would you like to make a donation to Trinity Community Arts?