Halloween Charity Disco

Halloween Charity Disco

Please come and show your support for Make-A-Wish UK by dancing, drinking, laughing and of course Zumba-ing the night away!
  • What's it about? whats-on trinity-events-archive 2010
  • When is it? 30 Oct, 2010 from 07:00 PM to 11:30 PM (UTC / UTC0)
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  • Contact Phone 07881626988
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Zumba Bristol is having a party in aid of Make-A Wish UK, who do an amazing job granting the wishes of children with life threatening illnesses.

As well as Zumba there will be a fantastic DJ and optional fancy dress.

It is Halloween after all, so feel free to go wild! There will be a prize awarded to the costume with most “flava” as well as other fun additions to the evening!!


Open to all the family – especially the ones with two left feet!


Tickets £7.50 (aged 15 and under go free) and ALL proceeds go to Make-A-Wish UK

Under 16's must be accompanied by an adult


For tickets and more information, please call or text Roni Bruno on 07881 626988 or email info@zumbabristol.com

Tickets available on the door 7.00-9.00pm.


*Trinity now operates a "Challenge 25" policy. If you look under 25, please be prepared to show proof of age when buying alcohol.

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