Haven't stopped dancing yet

Haven't stopped dancing yet

Fabulous, feelgood 70 & 80s disco party for grown-ups
  • What's it about? whats-on 2024
  • When is it? 20 Apr, 2024 07:30 PM to 21 Apr, 2024 12:00 AM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where is it? Trinity (Fyfe Hall)
  • How much is it?
    £16 adv + bf (£1 venue levy included in the fees)
  • Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of 18 +
  • More event information https://www.headfirstbristol.co.uk/whats-on/the-trinity-centre/sat-20-apr-haven-t-stopped-dancing-yet-100669#e100669
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 01179351200
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Haven’t Stopped Dancing Yet put on sell out events across London and the south east and and now they are bringing the boogie to Bristol.

HSDY nights are recommended by everyone from Time Out and The Guardian to Stylist and BBC Radio 4 and have been described as “Abba collides with Saturday Night Fever in a glorious mash-up”. Partygoers say the events make them feel so good they should be on the NHS! Dapper DJ Lord Anthony (Bestival, We Out Here) will be on the decks playing all your favourite soul, funk and disco tunes (with a bit of pop too) along with Bristol-based DJ Steph, who brightened our lives in lockdown with her brilliant virtual Disco Bingo nights. HSDY dancer, Lady Boo, will be leading flash mob-style routines to everything from Car Wash (complete with shiny rags) and I Wanna Dance with Somebody to the 1979 Gonzales hit, Haven’t Stopped Dancing Yet, after which the hugely popular pop-up club takes its name.

If you fancy dressing up (it’s not obligatory to get in, but lots do) there are prizes to be won in the best outfit/dance off competition, and there’s free sweets and ice pops too. In the worlds of Shalamar, it’s going to be ‘a night to remember’.

10% profits from HSDY go to Cancer Research UK.


Please note this is a standing event, accessible seating is available.

Last entry: 2 hours before curfew


Venue levy: Trinity is introducing a £1 Restoration Levy on every event ticket sold. This income will be used to create a dedicated fund for critical building works that will protect and maintain the Trinity Centre building and grounds.

Would you like to make a donation to Trinity Community Arts?