We Toppled Colston! Fundraiser Gig

We Toppled Colston! Fundraiser Gig

Join us for a night of resistance, music and dancing to raise funds for the four Colston statue defendants.
  • What's it about? music whats-on 2021
  • When is it? 11 Nov, 2021 07:30 PM to 12 Nov, 2021 12:00 AM (UTC / UTC0)
  • How much is it?
    £10 adv + bf
  • Age restrictions This event has a minimum age limit of 14 + (under 16's must be accompanied by an adult)
  • More event information https://my.trinitybristol.org.uk/we-topple-colston-2/
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 0117 935 1200
  • Web Visit external website
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Thousands of people toppled Colston on 8th June 2020. Show your support for those who have been singled out, while enjoying some of Bristol's finest DJs and spoken word artists.

Confirmed acts

Line up:

  • Laid Blak DJ set with live PA performance from Joe Peng and Bunjy
  • Kahn
  • DJ Queen Bee
  • DJ Hannza from Booty Bass
  • Lawrence Hoo, poet and co-founder of the Cargo project

Plus more acts to be announced!

Laid Blak are recognised as pillars of Bristol’s urban reggae and Jungle scenes, the pair spent the 90's causing havoc on dance floors in the biggest raves around the country, performing for era defining parties...

Lawerence Hoo is a legendary spoken word poet known for throwing a powerful light onto the overlooked experiences of those living in Bristol’s under supported communities.

£10 a ticket - all profits pay for the defendants costs. Bring your friends, neighbours and cousins!

Crowdfunder link

Trinity seeks to uphold the right of all to experience and express diverse visions and views, in line with our free speech policy. Though seeking to amplify the voices of diverse artists and under-represented groups, this can sometimes mean moral positions on key issues of those using the Centre will not always align with the views of Trinity or of other artists and groups. We will not censor artist or communities in response to competing moral interests or political or ideological pressure.

Please read our COVID-19 Safety Policy for information on attending events during this time.

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