Who Wants To Live Forever
feat 12 enthusiastic burlesque performers, raising money for the Mercury Phoenix Trust
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Whose Culture Celebration
Join #WhoseCulture for an evening of networking, music, art and performance to celebrate Young Creatives of Colour.
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Wildlife Gardening Science
National conference to update gardeners on exciting new information about the wildlife in their gardens
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Wildlife Gardening Science
National conference to update gardeners on exciting new information about the wildlife in their gardens
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Will Varley + Ida Mae
British folk singer
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Winter Art Market
Annual market selling locally made arts, crafts and food
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Wolf Alice
Four-piece alternative rock band from North London
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Women's Art Collective
New 6 week Drawing & Painting course starting 6th March
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Wonderful Indonesia
A day full of Indonesian delights
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Working to Make Equality Happen
Institute of Equality & Diversity Practitioners’ free seminar
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