Arts West Side 2011-18
A place for artists and community groups to build links and develop projects, Aug 2011 - Mar 2018
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What we do
Past projects
a series of sessions for people who have never sung in a vocal group but who love voice!
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What we do
Past projects
a series of sessions for people who have never sung in a vocal group but who love voice!
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What we do
Past projects
Promoting the use of software that can be used, studied & modified without restriction
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What we do
Past projects
Promoting the use of software that can be used, studied & modified without restriction
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What we do
Past projects
Art of Resistance 2020-2022
Exploring 100 years of art and activism in Bristol
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What we do
Projects News
Art of Resistance 2020-2022
Exploring 100 years of art and activism in Bristol
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What we do
Projects News
Art of Resistance 2020-2022
Exploring 100 years of art and activism in Bristol
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What we do
Past projects
Trinity Presents Online 2020-2021
Catch up with Trinity Presents content in this collection
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What we do
Past projects
Trinity Presents Online 2020-2021
During lockdown 2020-21, Trinity continued to provide a diverse programme offer through Trinity Presents Online.
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What we do
Past projects