open source creator Linus Torvalds and free software pioneer Richard Stallman Image source:
open source creator Linus Torvalds and free software pioneer Richard Stallman Image source:


Promoting the use of software that can be used, studied & modified without restriction

open source creator Linus Torvalds and free software pioneer Richard Stallman Image source :

Free as in Freedom!

One of the biggest social and economic barriers affecting people's ability to alter their economic state is a lack of ICT knowledge and skills. The aim of code.3ca is to develop alternative solutions to licensed packages, in order to help communities overcome these barriers.

In order to achieve this aim, we provide software development and hosting as well as training and support and ensure any source code (the human readable form of the program) is made available for others to use, so that other community businesses can harness the value of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software).

"Free software is a matter of freedom, not price" - Richard M. Stallman

Trinity is committed to using and promoting the use of FOSS in order to achieve best value, problem solve, reduce barriers to creative ICT platforms and share and protect collective resources to meet community need.

As well as our Plone website and Linux desktop operating systems, we are also working with support from the Arts Council to develop a CiviCRM database system - our aim is to share our learning with the wider community and arts sectors so that everyone can benefit.