a series of sessions for people who have never sung in a vocal group but who love voice!
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What we do
Past projects
Promoting the use of software that can be used, studied & modified without restriction
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What we do
Past projects
Promoting the use of software that can be used, studied & modified without restriction
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What we do
Past projects
Workshops & classes
Weekly and regular classes and regular activities at The Trinity Centre
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What we do
Workshops & classes
Weekly and regular classes and regular activities at The Trinity Centre
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What we do
Art of Resistance 2020-2022
Exploring 100 years of art and activism in Bristol
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What we do
Projects News
Art of Resistance 2020-2022
Exploring 100 years of art and activism in Bristol
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What we do
Projects News
Communities & Neighbourhoods
We provide recreational space and activities to improve the lives of our communities and neighbourhoods
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What we do
Children & Families
Activities at the Trinity Centre for children & families
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What we do
Gordon's story
We hear from Gordon Harrison, age 69, about his experiences as a member of the Trinity Walking Group
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What we do
Children & Families
Project stories