It all started with eighteen solders. They came over to the North secretly asking to access some areas. Our leader gave them permission to go and get what they need. Eighteen American solders dressed as Kurdish Peshmargah and started their mission. Every day they were creeping to the mountains on the border between Iraq and Iran to take photos of locations. The Special Forces were clever enough to do their job without involving other people from the village. “Khurmal” was the snake hole of many extremist Islamic troops who slipped in from Iran; they were called themselves “Jund Al-Islam” that`s “The Army of Islam”.
Iraq 2003…
The Village was under the terrorists control for few years. Everything related to pleasure was forbidden. Drinking, dancing, music and pictures of women ;( naked women) was banned from transportation to the village. Only those beauty covers that were showing women covered up like a vine leaf stuffed with rice.
Few weeks past until it was right near that date when Saddam was to be chased by the US army. The mission was to go to the village with the help of peshmargahs (Kurdish guerillas) using small helicopters and taking photos. Photos of all the locations till they had enough evidence to hit them at the same time when they chased Saddam and sorted him out. I couldn`t realize what was the connection between the two process at that time. Or even which one was more important. Clearing the area of terrorist troops or getting rid of Saddam.
After they accomplished the mission and swept the area from those “Junds” they had a big party. The party was organized by the guest house that belonged to the leader of a Kurdish political party. The guest house was the main place where the solders got to stay. Intact, they decided to stay for longer...
The solders began to feel safer and more confident to walk about and shop at the towns market. People were quite friendly even impressed by them. They looked at the soldiers as angels who saved their lives from the cruel dictator. Also the town was saved from the terrorists who pretended to be Muslims.
Azad and Choman were one of those who worked at the restaurant. Choman was light hearted and curious with the love of travelling to the world. He could hardly speak English although was always trying to get closer to the soldiers and chat to them. The Army had their own food delivered to them most of which was tinned vegetables, meat and fruit. Also they were happy to have exotic well cooked food from the restaurant some times.
One of the soldiers was called “Marley”. He became fairly close to Choman & Azad. Every now and then he was asking for pistachio. That was his favourite treat. He often was chatting to the boys and telling them stories of his own adventures. Also told them about his family, he was from a rich family as he told the boys. I only saw him in pictures taken with my brother Choman. I was wondering why he was to be working in the army if he was from a rich family...Every time he came back from the guest house; I was asking him to tell me more about Marley. There was something about that solider touching me.
How dark and unclear that moment is, when an army confronts another. It doesn`t matter whether it’s a normal person whom they want to fight or a soldier from the opposite side; that’s the enemy. The rule of war is fighting till the end; is killing or else you will be killed. A soldier has to defend himself. Maybe it’s hard to distinguish between innocent people or the enemy when they go to anonymous country. That’s why they often end up in a clash and end up killing the bad and good at the same time. I wonder why a king or a queen are so appealing to people that even if there is an Injustice, no one says anything and keep calm. I think there a magic in power or people on the chair of power are somehow touching peoples egos in a way. Maybe, because we all have the desire to become stronger or over the top one day.
Saying this, have to admit there seem to be a blind idea about Middle East. I often see people in the west too reserved or cautious about a person who is coming from the third world. They thing we are all terrorists or suicide bombers. Meanwhile/however, when a Blond stranger visits our countries we respect and admire them. Befriend them and do everything to please them. I often call my nation to be “strangers’ admirers but local disapprovals”...
There was another friendly soldier “Adam” who was often chatting to Choman and Azad. He was trying to learn our language and he did make it. He was so clever in remembering the words and learnt some good words in short period of time. That reminds me of my English lesson tutor in the university. “Janet” was quite old comparing to our tutors but she had a sharp mind. She memorised all our names in the classroom in only few days. We were about thirty five students. Like “Tara” is close to “Tiara” which means “Vale” as well as in English. And “Taban” means the” halo of the moon” and so on...
One lucky day, my brother told me that he needs to do a favor for Marley and asked me to help him. I would do anything to get closer to that American soldier. So I was quite pleased to have something that may put me into contact with Marley. Maybe only verbal or over the phone, it didn`t have to be physical off course. Choman didn`t have access to internet at that time, so he asked me to do the job. The secret task was to design a webpage for commercial purposes. So I realized that Marley wanted to have this webpage so that he can use it for transportation.
I couldn`t wait for that day when I finish designing the webpage and maybe get involved with the job more and more.. That means getting closer to Marley. But this was top secret between him and my brother “Choman” as soldiers were not allowed to use their job for private advantage use. Well that was only a rule for the small men because otherwise the big men were doing their job properly. And that included transporting barrels of oil daily using military helicopters or plains. But maybe Marley only wanted to transport goods; like shaving creams and other goods... who knows? I don`t think he could promote oil or sell it online...that would have been very funny or like a big sad jock I guess. Funny... like when a woman says I felt funny this week, she actually means very depressed. But why I was defending Marley? Why I always thought he was innocent and perfect…
The amazing dream didn`t come true or even didn`t last long. As after a while they began to send the solders to another city in the North. The city was called “Mosel”; one of the unsafe places. Group after group went away and from there back home to the USA. Division one has vanished from our country however, there came more American soldiers to the South of Iraq. Among those who were set to go away was “Marley”.
One day they set Marley to go to “Mosel” and he was never seen again. He was sentenced for his secret illegal job. So who was responsible for his leaders’ illegal and continuous job...I felt sad to lose Marley. I thought I could travel with him one day and see the world.
TABAN OTHMAN 21.Dec.2012
Marley American soldier1 27 year old
Choman Kurdish boy who works in the guest house 22 year old
Azad Choman`s friend 21 year old
Choman`s Sister The Narrator
Adam American soldier2