Crossing that Bridge
Crossing that Bridge
This story is of young women, who struggles a lot in her life. How she wishes she could cross that bridge, that bridge of her past that bridge of her fears that bridge of her bad memories but she just can't she can't cross that bridge she so wants to leave everything behind and cross that bridge but how.
This story is of Khushi without any identity. She was 8 years old when her mother committed suicide because her dad had affairs with other women. After that incident, something inside Khushi stopped beating.
Her dad still had affairs with different women even after his wife's death the only change in him after the death of his wife was he stated to consume alcohol too much. Khushi's hatred was growing for her dad to such an extent that she thought she too would commits suicide and go to her "Ammi" (mother) and never see his face ever. But unlike her mother her moral failed to support her own decision of committing suicide.
She just didn't know how someone could be so heartless that he didn’t even care what his daughter was going through.
Khushi still had a little hope that maybe her dad would change but that never happened . Deep down her heart she also blamed her mother for whatever was happing in her life how could she be so weak, she could have left him but how can she go away from her daughter.
Khushi's dad died with lever cancer after some years.
Years past……
It was her 18th birthday today. She has grown into a beautiful woman. Except her best friend Anjali knew about the real Khushi. She wasn’t the one who liked to celebrate her birthday, she always preferred to spend sometime alone.
Khushi knew Anjali would be coming with a cake so to give Anjali a surprise Khushi for the first time was ready to celebrate her birthday.
She chose a red dress, which was above her knees the dress was hugging her perfect curves beautifully. Her long black straight silky hair was kept loose and her face devoid of any make up.
Khushi heard a knock at exactly 9 pm and smiled.
Khushi : come in
Khushi saw Anjali coming in and as expected with a beautifully decorated cake.
Anjali was really beautiful she had big deep brown eyes with long eye lashes and black long silky hair. today she was wearing beautiful gown which was backless and was looking gorgeous like always. Anjali was 25 years old and she was like an elder sister for Khushi.
Anjali always loved celebrating Khushi's birthday
Anjali : happy birthday to you, sweetheart (while giving Khushi a hundred dollar smile)
Khushi : thank you … now quickly give me the cake and a knife
Anjalil: huh I thought I had to force you to celebrate your birthday *surprised smile* but what happened this year ?
Khushi smiled she knew Anjali was surprised by her behaviour today.
Khushi : (while cutting the cake and not looking up) you always wanted me to celebrate my birthday right? so… I just wanted to give you a surprise which I think was successful.
Anjlai smiled and nodded. then suddenly her smile faded away and she looked down
Anjali : ermm Khushi….. Arnav wanted to meet you he is … anjlai stoped speaking
Khushi was about to cut another slice of the cake when she froze her mind went numb she didn't know what to do Arnav ? she thought and then she came back to reality.
Khsuhi :Arnav ? are you serious Anjali?... Arnav ? that guy who rejected my love for him, that guy who made fun of my love for him are you serious? I don't even want to see his face Khushi spat. She had tears in her eyes now she remembered that night when she tried to cross that bridge which she was trying to cross since childhood.
Anjali: Khushi are you sure I mean you now Arnav infact everyone knows him you are not his type. What if you rejects you?
Khushi looked at Anjali's face's as if she was talking something in a complete different language.
Khushi stated laughing loudly.
Khsuhi : are you crazy Anjali I know he loves me and I probably love him more than he does. We are made for each other. He would never reject my love.
Anjali : hmmm ok Khushi but think again about it it's a serious issue you know Arnav is not some random guy from next door he is Arnav singh raizada the most popular guy in our college.
Khushi : hmmm. Khushi just nodded only she could guess how nervous she was.
Tomorrow was prom night Arnav was going with another girl and Khushi planned to go with Nikhil.
At prom~~~~
The music was very loud and everyone was enjoying the party very much except Khushi. She was looking for Arnav everywhere.
Khushi : Nikhil I will be here in a sec (Khushi excused herself)
She was looking in every direction possible but she couldn't find Arnav.
Suddenly she collided with something or someone very hard. Khushi immediately closed her eyes and felt two strong protective arms around her waist. Her eyes gradually met Arnav's chocolate brown eyes.
She felt shy looking at him, her eyes conveying her love her confession his eyes staring in the depth of the ocean.
Arnav was the first one to come to his senses he left her waist and moved a bit after steadying her on the ground feeling a little awkward.
Arnav : Erm! are you ok?
Khushi nodded
Khushi : Arnav I need to talk to you, can we go to somewhere else?
Arnav: sure (saying that he led her the way)
They both reached near the gazebo. However Khushi didn't know how to start.
Khushi :Arnav I don't know what is happening to me, I think I am falling for you.
There was silence for sometime
She continued "whenever I see you my heart starts racing. I don't have control over these feelings Arnav! *sigh* …..I think I am madly in love with you.
Arnav: Hah! What? "are you serious" (he said in a cocking tone)
Khushi just looked at him blankly.
Arnav : you (pointing his index finger at her ) and me (pointing his thumb at himself)
Arnav: Khushi I don't know how on the earth you have thought like that. You know you are not that kind of a girl with whom I would even like to date, forget about going around.
Arnav went on an on without even noticing her tears which started rolling down her cheeks hearing the humiliation.
When Khushi couldn't take it anymore she said,
Khushi : STOP!!!!! Just stop it Arnav. You don't have any right to humiliate someone like this. If you don't love me, its fine but at least don't insult me like this. It was my fault that I fell for a guy like you who can never understand what love is.
Saying that Khusi ran away
At that moment Khushi was shattered really shattered.
Khushi wiped her tears
Khushi: Anjali I don't want to see him ever again.
Anajli : not even if he is in the hospital?
Khsuhi : no… wait whattt !!! he… he is in ….hospital ??
Anjali nodded
Khushi pulled Anjali with her and ran out of the house.
She sat in her car and drove in high speed tears didn't stop today her tears were streaming down her cheek.
She didn't stop the car until she found hospital.
Khushi: May I know the room number of Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada?
The receptionist guided her and she ran after saying a quick thank you to her.
Khushi opened the door and found Arnav on the hospital bed.
Khushi sat beside him and fumbled with her hand eager to touch him.
A lone tear dropped on his cheek and slowly he opened his eyes
Arnav: Khushi?
Khushi nodded while her tears were streaming down her cheeks.
Khushi could hold herself anymore she just hugged him as tight as possible. "What have you gotten into Arnav? How did you reach here? What have you done to yourself? Why the hell are you in the hospital?"
Arnav: Shh!!! I am fine.
Khushi: I can see that Arnav.
Arnav: Khushi, only you came to see me, no one else came.
Khushi broke the hug and searched in his eyes.
Arnav: I knew you would come.
Khushi: How?
Arnav: Because my heart said. Khushi that day I was just testing you whether you will love me truly or not, but before I could say anything you ran out of my life. I have always loved you Khushi! Stay with me forever.
I couldn’t stop loving you Arnav! Not then not now. Saying that she pulled him in a tight hug taking an oath of not letting him go.
From then on she knew that she had crossed the bridge that she wanted to cross since childhood.
After 2 years Khushi became Khushi Singh Raizada the Khushi with an identity.