A Bridge Too Far
A Bridge Too Far
Go up the road and turn left she said and don't forget we drive on the right hand side here. I had arrived in Austin Texas for one month my friend had gone off to her family for a week and I said I would look after her chickens and her dog Shane and also would take him off to the woods for his daily walk. Today was our first day we were off. I went out to the car got in got out and went and made myself coffee I can do this I know I can. Coffee done I took Shane put him in the back of the car opened all the windows got in turned the engine on and we were off. Up the road I went and turned right I began to feel confident until I realized we where heading for the city not the woods. OK I said to Shane will be fine how hard can this be i'll turn around soon but for those who have driven in Texas turning around is no mean feet so i kept going getting nearer and nearer to Austin the traffic was building up and my head was beginning to hurt. Suddenly I saw a left turn surely this will take me home, as I approached the junction I realized I was the first car at the lights and this is where I had my Thelma and Louise moment. Was I Louise? Was Shane Thelma? As he sat in the back of the car I knew it was up to me .The huge SUV's were all around me willing me to fail. How many times had this happened in my life, how many bridges had I crossed over? Was I going to jump over the Tallahatchie bridge was this my bridge over troubled water? The lights went from red to yellow yellow to green. I took a deep breath looked at Shane in my rear view mirror revved up my old Citroen put my foot down and drove like my life depended on it. We had made it we had survived the dogs tail was wagging and I was laughing so loud so proud and yes we did get to the woods that day and for the rest off the week.