
Bridges 2012-13

Visual and performing arts project exploring the theme "bridges", 2012-13

In 2012-13, Trinity ran a programme of accessible arts workshops using spoken word, creative writing, performing and visual arts, to draw out personal stories of local people and to celebrate the rich cultural diversity of inner-city Bristol.

The project involved a short story competition; the winner was Mal Sainsbury with her story Like a Bridge over troubled Waters - A Tale of Two Clichés . Second place was David Chedgy's Interconnectivity third place was Jude Higgins' Guerilla Knitting .

The project culminated in a final site-specific performance - The Ithaca Axis - April-May 2013. The new commission and wider project events reached an audience of 774. We ran 67 activity sessions involving 238 participants, with 120 of these being 18 or under. 97 artists and actors were involved in the project, representing a total of 392 days of employment for artists.

Read the Bridges project report