Rethink stories, 2012

from gardening participants

‘Attending the horticulture course helped in getting me out of the house, meeting new people and gaining more confidence’ – Brian, participant.

'Thanks for the support! Found the gardening therapeutic and loved the cooking. I live alone and I often don’t know what to cook at night. The herbal teas helped me to calm down and go to sleep. I brought what I’ve learned to the nursing home, where I spent most of my day, and to the Rethink walking groups. Sharing the information, its a talking point and I love sharing the recipes with them' - Steven, participant

'The Trinity Community Garden provides a friendly and accessible environment for individuals wishing to begin or further develop their horticultural and green growing knowledge' – Tina N, Mental Health Recovery Worker.

Rethink is a national mental health charity that offers information, services & a strong voice for everyone affected by mental illness.

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