Tech spec

This specification details facilities and equipment available for hire, which can be hired as part of your package

Please ensure you check with your bookings coordinator to see what is included within your hire package.


Main Hall: 600

Fyfe Hall: 300

Address: Trinity Centre, Trinity Road, Bristol, BS2 0NW



Main Hall: 18.2m W (11.2m pillar to pillar) x 20.2m L x 3.9m H

Skittle Alley: 4.2m W x 12.2m L

Stage: 7.3m W x 6m L x 2.9m H (1m off floor)


Fyfe Hall: 11m W x 21m L x 9.8m H

Graffiti Room: 11m W x 12m L

Passenger lift access to upstairs hall spaces - max load 8 persons/630kg

L'Acoustics PA

Main left/right system: 6 KARAi Line Source Arrays aside Subs

Bellow stage subs: 8 SB18i Subwoofer Array

Technical information

Load-in: side loading-bay, level access, please contact us to arrange load-in times

Crew: available for hire

Security: available for hire

Barrier: available for hire

Proscenium: none

Fire curtain: none

Special effects: pyrotechnics prohibited

Flying Points: none

Power: 63 amp 3 phase, 2 x 32 amp single phase, 12 x 13 amp single phase

Mixer area: main hall floor (rear)

House spots: none


5 x Sure Sm58

2 x Sure Sm57

AKG drum mics

2 x PL07

1 x Souncraft EFX 8

1 x Souncraft 32 channel desk

mic stands

2 x HK audio wedge monitors (active)

2 x Makie Thump 12's (with stands)

LA or BSS DI boxes

We can also supply Projectors and Fast fold Screens.

Other Facilities

Dressing rooms: 1 backstage room, 3m x 7m

Showers: none

Parking: 24hr ANPR pay and display

Catering: kitchen available with electric oven, hot water urn, microwave

Show times: flexible; please notify Trinity of show times in advance

Curfew: Late-licence available