Tank Theatre 2013
The 2013 Tank Theatre Project delivered a series of acting workshops for young people aged 15-26. Led by Director Dave Lovatt, the project worked up to a final performance at the Trinity Centre, entitled M.C.Beth .
Feedback from young people taking part:
Sarah: “I had rarely gone to theatres or shows and since being involved in this play it has really pushed me to see other companies and shows happening in the area...I never felt like I wanted to miss a session because I look forward to our rehearsals and I'm going to miss it when it ends!”
Jasmine: “I think I would like to see more theatre...it has been really great to have a project to focus on an be part of something.”
Scott: “It's great to be part of a theatre company in my community...Tank Theatre is one of a kind in Bristol.”
James: “More shows and performances – I feel the audience that came were diverse and benefited from the experience.”
D: “It makes me believe anything is possible if you dedicate enough adequate time talent and feeling for an aspiration.”Trinity Community Arts was previously awarded grants from First Light Movies to run projects around film-making and scriptwriting.
Trinity helps to develop the talents of aspiring young actors.
In 2008 we ran a collaborative script-writing project with young people from Bristol and Coalville (Leicestershire) entitled The End Game , which aimed to inspire the young people by providing them with the opportunity to work with an established actors and film-makers to gain the knowledge and skills needed for scriptwriting.
The scripts were developed with the help of renowned actor Stephen Graham (Combo from This is England and Tommy Boy in Snatch), and Director Dave Lovatt.
This was followed in 2009 by a film-making project, supported by Avon & Somerset Constabulary Trust, which saw nine young people working together to produce the film