Charity info

Charity info

Trinity Community Arts began as a community association formed to reopen the Trinity Centre in 2002, registering as a charity in 2011

Charitable Objects

    to promote, maintain, and advance education through the presentation of creative and performing arts

    to advance the education of people of all ages in the creative and performing arts, information technology and life skills

    to preserve, protect and improve for the public benefit the Trinity Centre, formerly the Holy Trinity Church, and promote the heritage of this building

    to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances with the object of improving their conditions of life

    to promote racial harmony by promoting equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial and cultural identities and by encouraging the use of the Trinity Centre or other Trinity Arts Centre facilities for multicultural activities

Trinity Community Arts (TCA) is a registered charity (no.1144770) and Limited Company (no.4372577) and is VAT registered (no.123388420)  Trinity Community Enterprises (TCE) is a Limited Company (no.7848421) and is a wholly owned subsidiary trading on behalf of TCA and is VAT registered (no.123388420).

TCA registered as a charity in November 2011 and secured a 35 year leasehold of The Trinity Centre from Bristol City Council in 2013. Further information about our charity's purpose can be found in our Memorandum & Articles of Association.