Vote In - Another Europe is Possible
Join the growing movement that says 'stay in Europe to change Europe'
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Trinity Events Archive
Challenging Islamophobia
An informative, creative mix of talks by activists, academics and wonderful Bristolians.
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Trinity Events Archive
Bristol Refugee Hackday
Spend 24 hours co-creating digital technology to help refugees and asylum seekers!
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Trinity Events Archive
Practicing Ensemble Class by The Plasticine Men
Ongoing series of workshops exploring the essentials of ensemble theatre practice
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Trinity Events Archive
Heg & The Wolf Chorus: Album Launch
Theatrical, original folk which draws inspiration from fairy tales and the twisted roots of Heg's family tree
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Trinity Events Archive
Jobs Fair
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Trinity Events Archive
The Mid Century Market
1950's Vintage fair
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Residents' Meeting
Newtown residents walkabout and meeting
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Trinity Events Archive
Attack Pro Wrestling
bringing you the very best in British independent wrestling
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Trinity Events Archive
Art & Craft workshops
Free taster sessions, Tue 28 June - 1.30-4pm or 6.30-9pm
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Trinity Events Archive