Celebrating local and community history month
This Local History Month, we’ve been investigating the rich history of Old Market in East Bristol, where The Trinity Centre calls home
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Milk Poetry Workshop
Poetry Workshop exploring Gender Identity
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Back office
What's On
Windrush 75 Workshops
Located in
Back office
What's On
Community Garden Volunteer Sessions
Fortnightly volunteer sessions in our Community Garden
Located in
Back office
What's On
Rhythm of the Night
A nightclub for adults with learning difficulties, their families and friends
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Back office
What's On
Police Community Outreach Meetings
Monthly sessions hosted by PCSO's to connect with the local community
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Back office
What's On
Repairs 1990s
NTCA carried out extensive repair and renovation of Trinity in the early 1990s
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Back office
What we do
Trinity Archive
May Garden Party
Trinity's first May garden party
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Back office
What we do
Trinity Archive
Redevelopment 1987-89
A major development phase, when the building was under the management of Bristol City Council, which saw removal of original features and installation of new ...
Located in
Back office
What we do
Trinity Archive
Rupert & The Big Egg
The Dolwilym Theatre Company, 1980
Located in
Back office
What we do
Trinity Archive