Ilu Axe
Wednesdays 7pm-10pm, Samba-Reggae drums & dance
Located in
Back office
What's On
Groups & classes
Keep Going Keep Growing
Changes Bristol's health and well being project
Located in
Back office
What's On
Groups & classes
Hype Dance Company
Open for all street fusion classes
Located in
Back office
What's On
Groups & classes
Rhythm of the Night
A nightclub for adults with learning difficulties, their families and friends
Located in
Back office
What's On
Play session with Spilt Ink Theatre
For adults whose inner child needs some love
Located in
Back office
What's On
Police Community Outreach Meetings
Monthly sessions hosted by PCSO's to connect with the local community
Located in
Back office
What's On
Bristol Refugee Festival 2023 Planning Meeting
Planning meeting to learn more about the themes, discuss ideas and consider potential collaborations for this years festival.
Located in
Back office
What's On
Bristol WOW Factor
Gathering for Women of the World to connect over refreshments and swap unneeded items.
Located in
Back office
What's On
Silent Heroines Drama Workshop
Free Women's Drama Workshop
Located in
Back office
What's On
Contemporary Dance Class with Julia
Contemporary dance class aimed at intermediate/advanced level dancers
Located in
Back office
What's On